Last summer I created a digital mock up of a sunscreen bottle inspired by the rollout of the musician Dominic Fike's sophomore album, Sunburn. I utilized previously established artwork from the artist to make the front, said artwork was the mascot, the "SDF 50," and the sunburn logo on the bottom of the back.  I based the text on existing sunscreen bottles and threw in references to Dominic's discography within it too. After the digital mockup was done I decided to try and make a physical one. This was the first time I ever tried to do something like this, and while it didn't look perfect I was still very happy. I attempted to give the finished bottle as a gift to the artist when I saw him live in August, but I'm unsure if it ever actually got to him.
To create these pieces I used adobe indesign for the bottle design and adobe dimension to make the digital mockup.
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